Smart forms..

smart registrations

Comm'ant Forms smart webforms

The registration and reporting of complaints, incidents, deviations, audit findings, etc. is very beneficial. Measuring is knowing’ and the PDCA cycle is only complete when the ‘check’ and ‘act’ are also properly arranged. The web forms with workflow and reporting from Comm’ant are unique in their kind because they do not involve any programming. Comm’ant says: measuring is knowing and reporting is learning.

Design forms easily

With Comm’ant Forms you can easily create forms yourself: from a simple sick report, to reserving a meeting room, to a declaration or an advanced form for complaint handling and audits. No programmer is needed, you are the designer of the form. And because you make the form yourself it is always customized. Adjust per section, group or user the rights exactly as needed. It fits perfectly with the practice.

A flow that works

With Comm’ant Forms, you not only register the facts but also trigger immediate action. You can link actions to each step in a form, initiate improvements, signal deviations and report on them. Directly on the plate of the right colleague.

Report and improve

With the collected data you can set up simple clear dashboards with information that you can use to steer directly.

Numerous graphical forms are directly available and you can also export the data to Excel for your own customized analyses.

Library packed with experience

Draw on our years of experience developing smart forms.

Make use of our library of sample forms from which you can download directly. It will provide you with the inspiration you need and with some personal adjustments, you’ll have your perfect registration and reporting workflow in no time.

Would you like to experience working with Comm’ant X directly? Request an online demo. It will cost you some time, but will give you so much insight!