Why process management?
Using process management, to always do the ordinary things right
Increased effectiveness and efficiency, learning and improvement, common language, smooth cooperation with supply chain partners and so on. All are well-known benefits of process management.
But process management is especially effective when applied in the right way. If you map all processes in a chain, from beginning to end, you can see deviations and bottlenecks that would otherwise remain hidden. If you then steer correctly to resolve those bottlenecks, you can effectively control the process and optimize the chain’s performance.
What is a good process management system?
Years of practical experience and research have shown that 80% of errors are made during handover moments, the moment when process 1 turns into process 2. That handover always involves the exchange of information. Most communication errors occur at this stage.
How do the errors occur? Often because it has not been established:
- who is responsible for what
- what is the minimum information needed to do the job right the first time
- what the internal or external customer-supplier agreements are
Expectations do not match, with errors, shortcomings and failure costs as consequential damage. Disappointment and frustration undermine short- and long-term performance.
A good process management system provides the solution here. This system maps the processes with a drawing tool and, using smart registrations, encourages continuous process improvement. There are numerous suppliers in the field of process management software.
To find the right one in this impenetrable forest of solutions, we advise you to focus on software aimed at providing insight into and improving the handover moments (output = input). After all, these are the moments where errors occur, your organization incurs unnecessary costs and you can therefore save a lot of money.
Deploying process management software: benefits for your organization
The benefits of a good process management system are numerous. To name just a few:
- Improve cooperation between the various departments in your organization
- Processes streamline better, resulting in fewer mistakes and less time lost
- Improved quality of the final product and customer perception of service
- Improved efficiency and productivity
- A more satisfied customer
So the benefits go far beyond cost savings. It increases job satisfaction, it improves customer satisfaction and ensures better cooperation between departments, in both executing the process and developing the organization.
Comm’ant Processs
software for hands-on process management
Map your existing processes, harmonize them, design new processes and maintain them. With Comm’ant’s smart tools. And above all, make them immediately visible to all your co-workers. No more ambiguity about working arrangements: this is how we do our business…
Get a grip on your processes with Comm’ant
With Comm’ant’s software, your organization will make a quantum leap in process management: it offers extensive options for modeling and documenting, monitoring and improving processes.
When you get started with Comm’ant, we are happy to share our more than 20 years of process management knowledge and experience. We help you create a complete blueprint of your organization in Comm’ant Process. This will lay the foundation for structured process management within your company.
You will gain insight into the performance of your processes, the process agreements made and the responsibilities within your organization. At a glance you get an overview of the performance, risks and possible improvements.
By using Comm’ant’s relational database, you make your processes flexible and adaptable. If something changes in process A and this also affects other processes: this is automatically implemented. As a result, you are assured of up-to-date information that you can use to manage at any time.
With Comm’ant, you have a grip on your processes and you can easily adapt them to new circumstances. You are able to implement continuous process improvement (PDCA), solve bottlenecks and identify blind spots. This allows you to optimize the performance of the chain.
Learn more about process management?

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